We have the right tools and equipment for your pond needs.
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want a cleaner pond. Maybe you want to turn your pond into something more. Or maybe you have a creative water project to enhance the home. Whatever it is, the way you to get there is right here at…
Connie's Pond and Koi

Cleanout Pumps -
Cleanout Pumps -
Great for pond cleanouts and installation wash-downs
Effectively removes waste
Pumps up to 4,200 gallons per hour
Specially designed bottom intake pumps down to one-fourth inch off the bottom

Beneficial Bacterias and Enzymes
Beneficial Bacterias
Beneficial pond bacteria are found in the water and the pond filter. They are responsible for maintaining crystal clear healthy water, breaking down organic sludge like leaves, dead plants, fish droppings, fish food, fertilizer, and dead algae, as well as reducing odors. Although beneficial bacteria grows naturally in all bodies of water, in our backyard ponds it needs to be supplemented to keep the water clear. Beneficial bacteria works by breaking down nutrients in the pond and also competes with single celled algae for food essentially starving it.
Algae and water clarity products
All in all, algae plays a vital role in any pond or lake environment. Without it, you would struggle to raise and maintain a healthy fish population. However, a pond can quickly come out of balance with an overabundance of algae, resulting in several harmful side effects.