Connie's Pond and Koi
—— Introduces ——
2024’s New Collection
Great resource for your water garden essentials…
and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact our sales team to help you highlight the features and benefits.
Maintenance of the products available @
Maintenance Products For Your Needs.
Remove harmful chlorine, ammonia, chloramine & heavy metals from municipal water.
Naturally formulated to clrify water. Accelarates decomposition of organic materials.
Eco-friendly solutions for clean and clear water.
Creates a healthy and clear aquatic environment.
Reduce overall pond maintenance works.
Be sure to test your water frequently to become familiar with your pond.
Connie’s Pond and Koi offers a full line of water garden maintenance treatments, products, solutions and tools. Will keep your water garden healthy and beautiful for years to come🌺
Connie’s Pond and Koi, LLC