Strictly Sludge - Sludge & Muck Pond Treatment
Eliminates pond odor from heavy sludge buildup.
Used to eliminate pond odor problems, for monthly maintenance, and fall clean up.
Easy to use! Monthly maintenance dose is 3 oz. for every 500 gal. of pond water.
Safe for fish, water plants and wildlife.
Eliminates pond odor from heavy sludge buildup.
Used to eliminate pond odor problems, for monthly maintenance, and fall clean up.
Easy to use! Monthly maintenance dose is 3 oz. for every 500 gal. of pond water.
Safe for fish, water plants and wildlife.
Eliminates pond odor from heavy sludge buildup.
Used to eliminate pond odor problems, for monthly maintenance, and fall clean up.
Easy to use! Monthly maintenance dose is 3 oz. for every 500 gal. of pond water.
Safe for fish, water plants and wildlife.
Read the Strictly Sludge label to find the amount of the product to use in your pond. Shake the container well, and then mix the correct dose with 1 gal. of water. Spread the mixture throughout the pond for good distribution. For a start up dose, apply 3 ounces of Strictly Sludge for every 500 gal. of pond water. Reapply the dose each week for 4 weeks.
For pond maintenance, add 3 oz. of the product for every 500 gal. of pond water 1 time each month. For Fall Clean Up, add 6 oz. of the treatment for every 500 gal. of pond water 1 time at the end of the pond season. Allow that single application to continue to work into the spring.